Shawn embarked on his career at Morgan Stanley, where he spent over a decade dedicated to helping clients achieve their financial goals. His unwavering commitment to enhancing client service, expanding relationships, and developing tailored financial strategies set him apart in the field.
Recognizing an opportunity to better serve his clients through high-quality alternative investments and secure structured products, Shawn joined Pinnacle in January 2023 as a Registered Investment Advisor. He is excited and proud to be part of a company and team that align more closely with his moral and personal beliefs.
Shawn’s dedication to excellence extends beyond his professional life. He proudly served in the U.S. Air Force for eight years, specializing in maintaining air traffic control and weather radar equipment. This experience instilled in him discipline, precision, and unwavering dedication—qualities that continue to benefit his clients today.
Beyond his financial expertise, Shawn actively contributes to the community. Since 2013, he has served in various roles as a Board Member for the Tampa Bay Beaches Chamber of Commerce. His commitment to fostering relationships and contributing to the region’s growth and prosperity remains steadfast.
When not immersed in financial matters, Shawn enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife and amazing grandchildren. You’ll often find him on the water—whether fishing, diving, hunting, or skiing.